Applications closed

Dates to be announced

Introducing PMF Method, a free, intensive experience designed to help exceptional B2B founders build epic companies. Uncover what customers really need, build the right V1 product, and close your first commercial contracts.

Introducing PMF Method, a free, intensive experience designed to help exceptional B2B founders build epic companies. Uncover what customers really need, build the right V1 product, and close your first commercial contracts.

Most people describe finding product-market fit as an art, not a science. But when it comes to sales-led B2B, we’ve reverse engineered a method to find it. We’ve worked with some of the world’s most iconic enterprise founders and turned what they did in their first six months into a series of tactical sessions for taking a straighter path to PMF.

  • Unearth what customers are truly willing to pay for

    Stop asking questions that get the answers you want to hear. Learn proven techniques to get to the truth of what customers really need — and what they’ll buy.

  • Build a product that can become a big business

    Validate that your product insight has a credible path to at least $100M in ARR within ~8 years by examining the dynamics of the market, not just its size or growth potential.

  • Land your first enterprise contracts

    Sign your first few design partners, iterate with them and begin to build what can become a repeatable go-to-market approach.

  • Find your people

    Building a company is lonely. There’s no cure like working alongside a tight group of other top 1% B2B founders at your same stage.

  • Get hard-earned insights from founders of $1B+ B2B companies

    Learn from founders who are where you want to be. They'll reveal inflection points and share the tactics they used to get unstuck along their paths to product-market fit.

You COULD go at it alone, but why would you? Learn directly from some of the world’s best B2B founders.
Guillermo Rauch (Vercel)Jack Altman (Lattice)Jason Boehmig (Ironclad)
Lloyd Tabb (Looker)Neha Narkhede (Confluent)Zach Perret (Plaid)



  • [ Sonoma County ]

    Session 01
    Levels of PMF

    Build a foundational understanding of our product-market fit framework including the four levels of PMF, from nascent to extreme.

  • [ Sonoma County ]

    Session 02
    Discovery & the 4Ps

    Everyone says talk to customers, but most founders just listen for what they want to hear. Develop your company hypothesis with the “4Ps” — persona, problem, promise, product — then use it to validate what you know and de-risk what you don’t.

  • [ Sonoma County ]

    Session 03
    Market Validation

    Too many founders focus on the house they’re building — not the neighborhood it’s in. Determine whether your chosen market can support a viable venture-scale business.

  • [ San Francisco ]

    Session 04
    Customer Discovery Feedback

    Avoid a bloated product with a bunch of less than useful features. We’ll connect you with 5+ potential customers, review your customer calls with an emphasis on dollar-driven discovery, and help you dig in to get to the kernel of truth.

  • [ San Francisco ]

    Session 05

    Gain clarity on how to talk about your product in plain English: who it’s for, what it is, and what makes it unique and desirable relative to what your target persona already knows.

  • [ San Francisco ]

    Session 06
    Design Partners

    Land your first design partners by covering how to approach partnerships, think about pricing, and tactically build agreements so you can expand design partners into true commercial contracts.

  • [ San Francisco ]

    Session 07
    Product Iteration

    Learn how to think about early product iteration to build a successful MVP. We’ll go over specific success metrics to look for, how to know when the product is “good enough,” and what signs point to a pivot.

  • [ San Francisco ]

    Session 08
    Founder-Led Sales

    Many technical founders are great at building product and less great at selling it. But sales is a very learnable skill. We’ll dive into warm and cold outreach tactics to feed the top of your funnel and show you how to move customers through it.

  • [ San Francisco ]

    Session 09

    As the culmination of all your work, you’ll start to evangelize what you’re doing with a trusted group of builders, angels and customers.

Beyond the sessions

3-day retreat in Sonoma County 3 small group peer sessions 3 founder dinners Office hours


At First Round, we've been investing in pre-product-market fit companies for 20 years. We backed Square, Notion, Together, Verkada and Looker when they were just a couple of founders still figuring out how to build something customers needed.

Don't just take our worD for it

  • 01

    One of the most useful experiences that I've had. I feel like I shaved 12 months off the time it would take us to get to product-market fit.


    Second time founder

  • 02

    If you think you know what it takes to get to PMF, this program helps you realize that you really don't. But it also gives you the tools, support and companionship to accomplish the first key steps of the critical PMF journey.


    Founder and former head of ML

  • 03

    PMF Method added structure and rigor around the most important part of our founder journey. The PMF framework is now deeply ingrained into our daily conversations about our customers and product.


    Founder and former head of product

  • 04

    First Round provided a stunning level of support. From close contact with experienced partners to the evidence-based approach to find PMF, this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience and worth every second.


    Founder and former CTO

  • 05

    The program gave me the tools and systems I needed to approach sales and positioning with confidence. But the real secret sauce is the personalized coaching, analysis, and guided process introspection — we definitely closed more deals because of this program.


    Founder and former head of product